Advancing as a Profession Leaders: Register for NEW Roundtable Updates!

By Rachel Hunter, Advancing ECE as a Profession Outreach Coordinator

Greetings, leaders in Vermont’s work to advance early childhood education as a profession!

I heard feedback from several of you that you prefer to get updates about our shared work in a personal, conversational way. At the same time, a lot of complex behind-the-scenes design work is underway.

So I’m excited to share that we are launching a new, live, 45 minute monthly update Zoom call. We’ll follow up with a quick recap by email so everyone engaged in this work can stay well-informed.

Remember our “What’s the Latest” sessions? This is a reboot of “What’s the Latest” combined with our advocacy emails to ensure that this initiative has broad, deep, and well-informed workforce leadership as we move closer toward our goal.

In our first session on May 14,  we’ll discuss work on the bridge to the new profession: proposed options through CCV for establishing equivalence for ECE II, and what we learned from our focus groups of early childhood educators likely to need or use bridge supports.

In future sessions, we’ll dive into our process with Vermont’s Office of Professional Recognition, Career Ladder equivalence, and best estimates about when the profession could truly launch. Click here if you’re ready to register!

I am really excited that these updates will provide us a way to connect as thought partners, advocates, and leaders in our continuing work together to create a well-respected, well-compensated, well-prepared early childhood education profession.

Click Here to Register for Roundtable Updates

Advancing as a Profession Roundtable Update Info


When is it?
  • The second Tuesday of each month from 12:30 – 1:30 PM.
  • You can register now for calls on May 14, June 11, July 23, and August 13.  Each call is scheduled for 45 minutes, with an extra 15 minutes at the end for continuing questions or conversation. You do not need to attend each call.
  • We will email ahead of time with topics, and update afterward with a recap.
  • You can register anytime before the call starts. You do need to register to get the Zoom link.
Who should attend?
  • Early childhood educators and stakeholders who are familiar with the Unifying Framework and Vermont’s initiative to advance early childhood education as a profession.
  • If you receive this email, participate in our professional development, signed the pledge to say “We’re In for an ECE Profession!”, are a current or former Task Force member or ambassador for this work, or are an involved or interested stakeholder, you will get the most out of these sessions.
  • Early childhood educators and supporters new to this work are absolutely welcome. We recommend learning about the Unifying Framework, looking at VTAEYC’s Advancing as a Profession website, watchingGetting Up to Speed,” signing the pledge, and subscribing to these email updates.
What can I expect?
  • We’ll give detailed updates about design work and formal processes underway, offer advocacy calls to action, and discuss what’s happening nationally.
  • Your questions and feedback are very valuable and contribute to this work being workforce-informed.
  • You can also share successes and ideas with other early childhood educators from around the state active in advancing early childhood education as a profession.
  • These calls are informational and do not include professional development hours.
  • To encourage open and topical discussion, these calls will not be recorded. Attend as your schedule and interest allow. As long as you remain subscribed, you will continue to receive updates by email.

Have You Signed the Pledge?

Before we take the case for creating an ECE profession to state leadership, we want to show as many ECEs as possible support making early childhood education a well-prepared, well-compensated profession.

Haven’t signed? Sign on here. Already signed? Share the flyer!

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